Prettyfaces to make JSF 2.0 SEO friendly - Prettyfaces Video Tutorial [starttext]PrettyFaces is an OpenSource Filter-based Servlets extension with enhanced support for JavaServer Faces – JSF 1.1, 1.2 and 2.0 – enabling creation of bookmark-able, pretty URLs. PrettyFaces solves the “RESTful URL” problem elegantly, including features such as: page-load actions, seamless integration with faces navigation, dynamic view-id assignment, managed parameter parsing, and configuration-free compatibility with other web frameworks. Take a look at the features »

SEO and Consistency:

Any business knows how important Search Engine Optimization can be for sales. PrettyFaces allows SEO-friendly URLs, and improved customer experience. Give your site a uniform, well understood feeling, from the address bar to the buy button.


URL Rewriting — Replace ugly URLs: “/faces/page.jsf” with pretty, SEO-friendly, human URLS: “/optimized/page/”; The client browser never sees your original URLs, even in the source-HTML
Dynamic view IDs — Now with dynamic view ID mapping for URLs (through El method expressions,) you can show different views based on run-time conditions, effectively de-coupling the URL from the JSF view.
Page-load actions — Call one or more action-methods, at one or more phases, before rendering a view.
Managed parameter parsing — HTTP parameters parsed from URLs are stored in managed beans, simply get a reference to your parameter bean for easy access from other Java classes.
Navigation by ID — Define your page IDs in one place, reference them easily in action-methods and components, using standard JSF navigation techniques.
Integrated validation — For URL and query-parameters, able to re-use existing JSF validator objects.
Easy to configure — Requires absolutely minimal configuration; may be enabled using XML or annotations.

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