Part 5/5 : How to Create a Web Service in Eclipse - [starttext]
All the steps up to here had nothing to do with Web Services. The steps prior to this has been about setup (download the tools, configure Eclipse, testing to ensure everything works).

We’ll create the simplest of Web Service… We’ll call it DeepThought. The service will have one method

public String whatIsTheAnswer(String nameOfInterviewer);

The web service implementation will provide the answer to the universe, life and everything in a String.


This blog entry showed you how to download, configure and develop a web service using Eclipse, Tomcat and Apache CXF. The process involves quite a few steps. You have to:

Download the tools (Apache Tomcat, Apache CXF, Eclipse)
Install the tools (Mostly a matter of unzipping the archives you downloaded)
Configure Eclipse (Where is Tomcat and CXF, Configure Tomcat to use CXF, etc)
Create a Java implementation of your service
Build the web service

Although I’m sure in a few months the description will be slightly outdated (new wizards in Eclipse, etc.), I hope you’ll find the tutorial useful.

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