Part 1 of 2 : Managed Beans and JSF 2.0 Handing User Input with Annotated JavaBeans - JSF Video Tutorial [starttext] This is a Video Tutorial explains Managed Beans and JSF 2.0: Handing User Input with Annotated JavaBeans (Part I of II)

The full resolution video is at So is the source code.

So, if you got a little tired of managing the old faces-config.xml file in your JavaServer Faces 1.2 applications, you're going to love the introduction of the @ManagedBean and @SessionScoped annotations in JSF 2.0.

This tutorial deals with the job of handling user input. How can we take user input from an HTML form using JSF? This tutorial will show you how, using the good old Rock-Paper-Scissors game as the concept that drives the learning.

This tutorial is just beyond the maximum 15 minute length allowed for a youtube video, so it is broken up into two files. Alternatively, if you would like to view the high resolution video in its entirety, you can head over to the associated website, You'll also find the code there to download as well.


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