Write a program to Implement a stack in C++

User is asked to PUSH, POP , or TRAVERSE.. PUSH is to add items to the Stack, POP is to remove item from the Stack, and TRAVERSE is to traverse the whole Stack

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  1. #include<stdio.h> 

  2. #include<conio.h> 

  3. #include<process.h> 

  4. #define MAXSIZE 10 

  5. void push(); 

  6. int pop(); 

  7. void traverse(); 

  8. int stack[MAXSIZE]; 

  9. int Top=-1; 

  10. void main() 

  11. int choice; 

  12. char ch; 

  13. do 

  14. clrscr(); 

  15. printf("\n1. PUSH "); 

  16. printf("\n2. POP "); 

  17. printf("\n3. TRAVERSE "); 

  18. printf("\nEnter your choice "); 

  19. scanf("%d",&choice); 

  20. switch(choice) 

  21. case 1: push(); 

  22. break; 

  23. case 2: printf("\nThe deleted element is %d ",pop()); 

  24. break; 

  25. case 3: traverse(); 

  26. break; 

  27. default: printf("\nYou Entered Wrong Choice"); 

  28. printf("\nDo You Wish To Continue (Y/N)"); 

  29. fflush(stdin); 

  30. scanf("%c",&ch); 

  31. while(ch=='Y' || ch=='y'); 

  32. //Coding by: Snehil Khanor  

  33. //http://WapCPP.blogspot.com  

  34. void push() 

  35. int item; 

  36. if(Top == MAXSIZE - 1) 

  37. printf("\nThe Stack Is Full"); 

  38. getch(); 

  39. exit(0); 

  40. else 

  41. printf("Enter the element to be inserted "); 

  42. scanf("%d",&item); 

  43. Top= Top+1; 

  44. stack[Top] = item; 


  46. int pop() 

  47. int item; 

  48. if(Top == -1) 

  49. printf("The stack is Empty"); 

  50. getch(); 

  51. exit(0); 

  52. else 

  53. item = stack[Top]; 

  54. Top = Top-1; 

  55. return(item); 


  57. void traverse() 

  58. int i; 

  59. if(Top == -1) 

  60. printf("The Stack is Empty"); 

  61. getch(); 

  62. exit(0); 

  63. else 

  64. for(i=Top;i>=0;i--) 

  65. printf("Traverse the element "); 

  66. printf("%d\n",stack[i]); 

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