How to create program in C++ using Dev-C++

How to create program in C++ using Dev-C++

01. Create a new folder in "My Documents" to save your programs.

02. Name that folder. For example, "My C++ Programs" or whatever you like.

03. Start Dev-C++.

04. Click on file ->new->Source File.

05. Click on file -> Save As.

06. Select the destination to save your file.

07. Give the file name and save it on the folder that you created for it.

08. Type your source code.

09. To compile and run both with single key press F9.

10. If you type your source code properly, your program will execute, otherwise it will show error.

11. If your program shows error, then see your source code carefully, identify the errors and correct it.

12. After correcting your source code, you to have compile and run it again. Press F9 again to compile and run.

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