Classes and Structures in C++

In C, a structure (struct) gives us the ability to organize similar data together.
You may wonder what I said. It is so in C, this is because structure is one
of the few things which is more or less entirely different in the two languages
(C and C++).

In C++, the role of structures is elevated so much as to be same as that of
a class. In C, structure could only include data as variables and arrays but
in C++ they can also include functions, constructors, destructors etc. and in
fact everything else that a class can. Knowing this, it wouldn’t be wrong
to say that in C++, structures are an alternate way of defining a class. However
there are some differences.

Look at the following code:

// First difference between a class
// and a structure in C++

// define a structure
struct mystruct
char name[25];
int id_no;

void main()
mystruct a;
// in C, it is necessary to
// include the struct keyword

// Example:
// struct mystruct a;


In C, we must declare an object of a structure by using the keyword struct but
in C++ it is optional to do so (just like a class).

Another difference is the fact that all the data or functions inside a struct
are public by default contrary to a class, inside which scope is private by

It is obvious from the following code:

// Second difference between a class
// and a structure in C++

// define a structure
struct mystruct
// public by default
// So convenient to start with
// public declarations

void func1();
void func2();

// now private
int data1;
int data2;

// define a class
class myclass
// private by default
int data1;
int data2;

// now public
void func1();
void func2();

While you’ve got the power, you should not define a class as a struct
since it is not a good practice. Structures and classes should be used as per
their original purposes to avoid unnecessary complications and misunderstandings.

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